
Showing posts from February, 2018

End Chapter One

Odyssey , n, ‘a long exciting journey on which a lot of things happen’ The nuggety little motor home that revealed Australia in all its glory is now in Auckland, and none the worse for wear. After Customs clearance and fumigation for any hitchhiking beasties on the wharf, the venerable vehicle now needs to go through NZ compliance and registration processes. Then we plan a mini makeover and fitting of a bike rack, ready to hit the road for further adventures. 

Cruising on

Ozmobile goes Kiwi ... here comes our trusty Transit into Auckland Harbour on the Meridian Ace vehicle carrier. We travelled 26,000 Km round Australia (plus Tasmania) comfortably and without a single breakdown in 6 months. So we couldn’t abandon the faithful Ford, which will be delivered ready for NZ compliance mid February.